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Trouble with Twitter? 5 "Don'ts" to avoid

Of all of the social platforms, our clients have the most trouble with Twitter. It is not surprising - Twitter is the least intuitive. And, all of the hashtags and short hand can make it look like gobbledy gook!

But the best way to learn Twitter is to well - tweet. So to help you avoid the worst mistakes, here is our top 5 Twitter don'ts that you can keep in mind as you venture onto the Twittersphere.

1. Don't post an egghead for your profile picture and use a blah description. Your profile is you. You need a short but catchy description that captures your personality and tells a potential follower why they should follow you. Is Twitter mostly for business for you? Then make it about your profession. If you are more interested in cooking, the latest best seller or some other topic then put that down. If you are a business, you should have your logo (properly sized to specs) and a description about your business as well as your contact info.

2. Don't tweet non-relevant content. At sparqGEN Marketing, we tweet about marketing. That is our business of course, and we are on Twitter to connect with clients, other marketers, industry gurus and the like. We don't tweet about the upcoming election or any other non-relevant topic. Our followers expect us to tweet about topics relevant to marketing - social media, hot ad campaigns, industry news and from time to time share our own content such as this blog post.

3. Don't forget to use hashtags. Twitter is actually one big, up-to-the moment search engine. It is highly unlikely that someone will catch your tweet at the actual second it shows up in their feed. How do you make those tweets last? You use relevant hashtags. For example, if you are tweeting about Twitter then use the hashtag #Twitter. As an example, here is the tweet I will use to share this post. "Trouble with #Twitter? 5 don'ts to all about it via the @sparqgen blog (url to be input and shortened by Hootsuite, our preferred social media management system).

4. Don't be anti-social. If someone retweets, follows or favorites then you should acknowledge - preferably in real-time. Twitter is just like any other social platform and needs loving care to keep followers happy and you relevant. Show some love back!

5. Don't ignore your Klout. That's right. Every Twitter participant has a Klout score that basically ranks how influential you are. What brings it up? If someone with lots of Klout follows you. Number of followers and activity count too. Useful too when you are trying to determine who to follow.

Need some help? We are here. New clients are always eligible for a free consultation. Tweet to us any time (our Twitter handle is @sparqgen).

Good luck tweeting!

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